Wednesday, December 8, 2010

BPSA #5 Cross Race

Bay Area Super Prestige, race number 5 at Coyote Point Park.

19th out of 60 for Mens, U35, Class C.

Didn't place as well as last week but I sure felt a hundred times better after the race was over. Which, isn't to say I didn't suffer. Just didn't push myself over the line.

Note the sweet kit from the fine folks at Bike198.

Probably doing one more cross race this season. January, I'm planning hitting the local "Early Bird" crits. Need the points for my Cat 4 upgrade.

Did a 20 minute power test yesterday and ended up with a 270 average. Felt fine at the end though and my HR was a little low. Going to try again Friday, shooting for 285. Still a bit off from my September peak of 300, but I guess that's to be expected.